Mastering OET Writing: Understanding the Question Marks in Case Notes
August 22, 2023 2023-10-12 12:42Mastering OET Writing: Understanding the Question Marks in Case Notes
Mastering OET Writing: Understanding the Question Marks in Case Notes
As medical professionals, effective communication is paramount to providing quality care to patients. In the OET Writing sub-test, understanding and interpreting case notes correctly is essential for conveying accurate information in a formal English letter. One of the crucial aspects of OET Writing is the question mark (?).
In this blog post, we will explore the significance of question marks in OET Writing case notes and provide practical tips to handle them effectively.
In the context of OET Writing, the presence of a question mark within case notes serves as a signal of potential uncertainty or hesitation surrounding a medical observation. This means that a conclusive diagnosis has not been reached, and there’s a need for additional investigation and clarity in addressing the medical condition.
Contextual significance of Question marks in OET Writing case notes are dynamic elements. They are found in different sections. They could be part of admission details, presenting complaints, and assessment plans. Understanding these question marks hinges on grasping the contextual nuances
Examples of (?) in OET Case Notes:
Let’s take a look at some examples of how question marks can appear in different forms of case notes and how to effectively translate them into a formal English sentence.
Admission Diagnosis
Admission: 12/07/2023
Diagnosis: ? Acute Pancreatitis (alcohol-induced)
Description: “Mr. Smith was admitted on 12th July 2023 with severe abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. His medical history indicates a history of heavy alcohol consumption. A possible diagnosis of acute pancreatitis, likely alcohol-induced, has been considered.”
Presenting Complaint: Fever, fatigue, headache ? Infectious Mononucleosis
Description: “The patient complained of fever, fatigue, and headache. There is a suspicion of infectious mononucleosis, which could explain the symptoms presented.”
Assessment: Shortness of breath, wheezing ? Bronchial Asthma
Description: “Upon assessment, the patient exhibited shortness of breath and wheezing. Considering the symptoms and medical history, a provisional diagnosis of bronchial asthma is being considered.”
Treatment Plan:
Treatment Plan: ? Referral to Oncologist for evaluation
Description: “The patient’s recent blood work showed abnormal cell counts. A possible referral to an oncologist for further evaluation and investigation of potential malignancy has been suggested.”
How to Rephrase Question Marks with Elegance?
- “It is plausible that…”
- “Based on the available information, my provisional diagnosis is…”
- “There is a suspected…”
- “Considering the symptoms, it is likely that…”
- “The patient may benefit from…”
- “The symptoms are suggestive of…”
In OET Writing, it is vital to understand the use of question marks. These marks show uncertainty or possibilities and need careful attention. By using polite words and appropriate sentences, you can confidently share medical views in a formal English letter. This skill boosts your OET scores and helps you communicate better as a healthcare professional, ensuring great patient care.

Sample Questions
Sample 1: Complaint or Assessment
Case Notes: History: 28-year-old female, recent childbirth
Complaint: Chest pain, shortness of breath
Assessment: ? Pulmonary Embolism Plan: CT Pulmonary Angiogram
Question: How would you approach the question mark in this case note, and how would you phrase it in your OET Writing letter?
Answer: The question mark in this case note indicates uncertainty regarding the diagnosis, and a possible suspicion of pulmonary embolism due to the patient’s history of recent childbirth and presenting complaints of chest pain and shortness of breath. You could write, “Given the patient’s history of recent childbirth and complaints of chest pain and shortness of breath, a provisional diagnosis of pulmonary embolism is being considered. To confirm the diagnosis, CT Pulmonary Angiogram is planned.“
Sample 2: Diagnosis
Case Notes: Admission: 15/09/2023
Diagnosis: ? Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)
Description: “The patient was admitted on 15th September 2023 with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and fruity breath odor. A possible diagnosis of Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) has been considered.”
Question: What is the significance of the question mark in the admission diagnosis, and how would you address it in your OET Writing response?
Answer: Here, the (?) indicates the admission diagnosis indicates that the diagnosis of Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) is not yet definitive. It is a possibility based on the patient’s symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and fruity breath odor. You could write, “The patient was admitted with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and fruity breath odor. There is a possibility of Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) as the cause. Further investigations and tests will be conducted to confirm the diagnosis.“
Sample 3: Treatment Plan
Case Notes: Treatment Plan: ? Referral to Dietitian
Description: “The patient’s recent blood work showed elevated cholesterol levels. A possible referral to a dietitian has been suggested to address the dietary concerns.”
Question: How would you approach the question mark in the treatment plan, and how would you include it in your OET Writing response?
Answer: The question mark in the treatment plan suggests a possible course of action for the patient’s elevated cholesterol levels. You could write, “Considering the patient’s recent blood work showing elevated cholesterol levels, there is a suggestion of a referral to a dietitian. The dietitian will be able to address the dietary concerns and recommend appropriate changes to improve cholesterol levels.“