October 19, 2021 2021-10-19 19:57Two NEW TEST CENTRES for OSCE
Latest Update from UK NMC
This is an important update on UK NMC Test of Competence Part 2 OSCE test centres. There are going to be two more test centres for OSCE.
In other words, NMC has awarded contracts to five partners to deliver the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) part of the ToC from February 2022 onwards.
In addition to renewing the contracts with the current OSCE delivery partners – Oxford Brookes University, the University of Northampton and Ulster University – NMC has awarded contracts to Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Northumbria University. This follows a competitive and open bidding process across all four countries of the UK.
Moreover, by increasing the number of test sites NMC has increased capacity and improved accessibility for those taking the OSCE. Hence this will support in meeting the demand and to get those professionals with the right skills and knowledge on NMC’s register as safely and quickly as possible.
Candidates will be able to book their tests from December 2021. You will be shared the additional information regarding booking the test date at that time.
Are you capable of attending the upcoming OSCE test?
Check your capability in NMC OSCE with the help of Mentor Merlin’s Free Capability Checker.
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