OSCE New Marking Criteria in effect from 17th October 2022!
September 3, 2022 2022-09-03 19:10OSCE New Marking Criteria in effect from 17th October 2022!
OSCE New Marking Criteria in effect from 17th October 2022!

NMC OSCE New Marking Scheme Criteria (V1.6) Removed!
The new marking scheme criteria (V1.6) were uploaded by Northumbria University and Oxford University a few days back. On the website of Northumbria University, the update was mentioned with the headline “Breaking News – The New Marking Scheme Criteria (V1.6) recently uploaded does not go live until 26th September 2022.” But today, both the Universities have removed the new marking scheme criteria (V1.6) from their official websites and Northumbria has even removed the breaking news!
But today, a few minutes ago NMC announced the latest changes would be introduced from 17th October 2022.
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“From 17 October 2022, we’ll introduce a selection of new scenarios and skills for the nursing OSCE. All test centres are in the process of publishing a suite of support and preparation materials for candidates and those delivering preparation and support programmes.” (NMC 03/09/2022)
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Read more;- Latest OSCE Marking Criteria has launched with more skills, Professional Values and Evidence Based Practice scenarios.
NMC Update – 03/09/2022
Test maintenance and upcoming changes
From 17 October 2022, we’ll introduce a selection of new scenarios and skills for the nursing OSCE. All test centres are in the process of publishing a suite of support and preparation materials for candidates and those delivering preparation and support programmes.
The updated support materials will include new marking criteria and station timings, which will aid candidate preparation. There are no changes to the number of stations candidates will be asked to sit, but they may be presented with a different clinical scenario or skill which other candidates may not have experienced.
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