Are you allowed to take a calculator to the UK NMC CBT?
November 11, 2021 2021-11-16 16:03Are you allowed to take a calculator to the UK NMC CBT?
UK NMC launched a new version of the Test of Competence (ToC 21) for Nurses. UK NMC requires the CBT result to reflect the ability of individual candidates so we have standardised procedures and processes for the CBT to prevent any candidate from obtaining an unfair advantage.
No, you will not be allowed to bring a calculator rather an on-screen calculator will be available to you throughout your UK NMC computer-based test (CBT). This online calculator is available in the upper left corner of the screen of UK NMC CBT. To use the calculator, click on the Calculator button.
ToC21 CBT Crack Course mock questions are in advanced pattern and format, includes answers, and moreover, separate course rooms detailing new CBT must learn topics. Chat now with a Mentor for more details on UK NMC CBT preparation materials.
Place all personal items in the locker provided at the test centre. Should not take the following to the examination room, nor access during any break from testing:
- No educational, test preparation or study materials.
- No mobile phones, hand-held computers, personal digital assistants (PDAs), pagers, watches or other electronic devices.
- Turn off mobile phones, pagers or other electronic devices before storing them in the locker. Should not access personal items during any break from testing.
- Standard examination rules apply during the CBT. Raise your hand if: any problems with the computer occur; or you need a new note board.
NMC CBT Crack Course is a complete remedy to ensure you crack both Part A Numeracy and Part B Clinical in your first attempt itself. All the new must-learn topics and mock tests with answers are consolidated rightly in the course room, providing you all the necessary understanding on cracking the New ToC21 CBT with ease and saving your valuable time.