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Position: Mentor (All Areas)
Job Role: Educate & Support candidates
Salary: £29,250 – £39,000
Review period: Every 6 months
Free COS + Visa + All statutory benefits + Salaried Trainings
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Who can apply these positions with Mentor Merlin?


We invite applicants with same area qualifications to qualifications that are very far from the specific areas. Even though the right qualification gives you an advantage while proceeding with the application , Mentor Merlin provides opportunity for everyone with the desire to support others and enthusiasm to learn new things.


  • Qualifications does not impact the requirement of completing the training programs for the specific positions. The title of the position will only be granted after the successful completion of the training.
  • All Mentors have to go through our Mentorship Program and assessment process. Similarly all Mentor associates have to go through our Mentor Associateship programs.

Let’s get more understanding to this. We can take OSCE as the area you are applying for. The positions available are OSCE Mentor & OSCE Mentor Associate.

So what is the process to become an OSCE Mentor? Let’s see some examples and the requirements.

Your qualificationTraining  required
Anyone who have completed OSCE and a valid NMC registration2 weeks mentorship program
Anyone who have completed OSCE but not completed NMC registration yet2 weeks mentorship program
Anyone who have a bachelor’s in any medical stream12 weeks OSCE Mentorship program
From all other non-medical streamsWorked as Associate OSCE Mentor for 1 year and after that, complete a 12 weeks OSCE Mentorship program
Position: Mentor Associate (All Areas)
Job Role: Support candidates & Mentors
Salary: £25,168 – £29,744
Review period Every 6 months
All statutory benefits + Salaried Trainings
Mentor Associate
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who can apply for an OSCE  Mentor Associate position with Mentor Merlin?

Making it simple,  Anyone with strong desire of learning new things and are able to complete 12 weeks intense training program can apply for this position.

“Mentor Merlin has solely created this position to fill the gap of the qualified nursing professionals. For this, we have created the OSCE and it’s assessing standards as simple as even a non -nurse can understand it. Through  a well-designed and intense training program Mentor Merlin filter out the best capable associates for our mentors and thus we are capable to cater a large number of candidates.”

The following is the structure of our OSCE Mentor Associateship Program. If you think you are capable of clearing this 3 stages of learning you can apply for this position. Certainly, you will only be selected to the program based on the merit you achieve in the face-face interview with the expert panel. There you will be assessed with your enthusiasm of learning.

Note:- In order to enter to the stage 2 you need to clear the exam in the stage 1. Similarily, inorder to achieve the final grant, you need to clear the stage 3 exam and the interview.

OSCE Mentor Associateship Program (12 weeks/ 480 Hours)

Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3
Week 1-2Week 3-4Week 5-7Week 8-10Week 11Week 12
Basics of Nursing in association with NMC OSCE standards

·       How to assess the standards and procedures in NMC OSCE

·       Exam

Trainee Mentor Associate Stage 2 Part 1

(Mentor Monitored)

Trainee Mentor Associate Stage 2 Part 2

(Mentor Monitored)

Trainee Mentor Associate Stage 3 Part 1

(Mentor Monitored)

·  Trainee Mentor Associate  Stage 3 Part 2

(Mentor Monitored)

·  Exam and Interview

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